LPA Shadowing Program
The LPA Shadowing Program is a significant learning opportunity where members can visit another school and shadow a Principal to gain a deeper understanding of the school’s operation, such as leadership and governance structures and school Board/Council strategic planning.
Shadowing may also include attendance at a prospective parent gathering or Principal tour, school worship, or meeting with key leaders of the school such as the ELC Coordinator, Chaplain, Curriculum Coordinators, Business Manager or Head of College.
The timing of your shadowing may occur over a few days or up to one week, this will depend on the availability and arrangements made with the Principal you are shadowing.
LPA encourages members to consider the Shadowing Program during their principalship and utilise this opportunity to learn from colleagues and embed these learnings back into your own school community.
LPA will cover the cost of flights, accommodation, transport and living costs of up to $2,500.00 per successful applicant.
Members are encouraged to contact the LPA Executive Officer for more information.
This project has more than met my expectations and it has helped to prepare me for the next stages of my career. I believe that I have professionally grown as a result of the sharing and reflecting of ideas and experiences. I continue to value the work of LPA as it focusses on Principal development across Australia.
— Paul Weinert, Head of College, Concordia College, SA
The experience of ‘Shadowing’ provided me with a new perspective through which to consider my own context. I cannot express how valuable this time has been for me as a school leader…
— Terri Taylor, Principal, St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School, SA
Through the LPA Shadowing Program, I was blessed to be financially supported to spend two days observing Kaye at her school, Unity College, Murray Bridge SA. It was easily the most powerful and transformative learning I have undertaken in recent times... This was also a great experience to sit and reflect with a Principal colleague on the mutual challenges of being a Lutheran Principal. Let me conclude by thanking the LPA Executive for their support of this project and by encouraging all LPA members to seriously consider taking up the opportunity to shadow a colleague - both you and your school will be greatly blessed by the experience.
— Tom Brennan, Principal, Lakeside College, QLD